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Study abroad in 法国 and discover why this country is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. 法国是地球上一些最具标志性的纪念碑的所在地. In 巴黎 alone, you can see Le Pantheon, L’Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, 也是法国的终极象征, the Eiffel Tower. Stop at Le Pantheon, 一座由18世纪哥特式大教堂改建的陵墓, to visit Voltaire, Rousseau, Victor Hugo, Marie Curie, Emile Zola, 和其他伟大的法国公民都葬在那里. Drive past L’Arc de Triomphe, a famous monument honoring French veterans killed in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 同样著名的香榭丽舍大街-Élysées. The Notre Dame Cathedral, a 13th century architectural masterpiece and the inspiration for Victor Hugo’s Hunchback novel, 欢迎您来欣赏它的彩色玻璃窗,聆听它的钟声. Snap a photo of yourself with new friends next to the one-of-a-kind Eiffel Tower or better yet, 爬到塔顶,一览法国首都无与伦比的美景. 在巴黎之外,你可以找到和巴黎一样多的法国历史. 奢华的凡尔赛宫, 曾经是玛丽·安托瓦内特王后的家, 看起来和18世纪时差不多. Walk through its Hall of Mirrors and around the ever-beautiful gardens on the palace grounds, 追随法国皇室的脚步. 可以一直追溯到远古时代, 在阿维尼翁郊外加尔桥罗马渡槽旁的河岸上野餐. 参观第二次世界大战中决定性战役的发生地诺曼底海滩.  

城市 of 法国

城市 of 法国


普罗旺斯艾克斯是艺术家保罗·塞尚的出生地, who spent most of his career capturing the many facets of the region’s most noble residents, Mount Sainte-Victoire.
Summer Temp
85 - 95°F (30 - 35°C)
Winter Temp
42°F (5.5°C)
Sample Programs
  • Business
  • 细 & Studio 艺术
  • Foreign Language & Literature
  • Internships

French Alps: Grenoble

Located in southeastern 法国, 格勒诺布尔有数英里的高山小径, 山区湖泊和十几个滑雪胜地在一个小时的车程之内.
Summer Temp
85 - 95°F (30 - 35°C)
Winter Temp
36°F (2°C)
Sample Programs
  • Business
  • Foreign Language & Literature

French Riviera

At the crossroads of Provence, 意大利 and the Alps lies the French Riviera, aka the Côte d’Azur. Over the centuries, many have sought relaxation and refuge on its sunny shores and in its quaint southern towns.
2.0 Million
Summer Temp
76°F (25°C)
Winter Temp
49°F (10°C)
Sample Programs
  • Business
  • Engineering
  • 科学s


The City of Light has long been the center of politics, art and social change in 法国. While this city’s roots run deep in European history, 巴黎 can be surprisingly fresh and modern.
2.24 Million
Summer Temp
69°F (21°C)
Winter Temp
41°F (5°C)
Sample Programs
  • Business
  • Communication
  • Engineering
  • Internships

法国为世界提供了一些历史上最有影响力的画家, including Renoir, 莫奈, Toulouse-Lautrec, Matisse, 马奈, Cezanne, and Gauguin. 他们的许多作品都在巴黎奥赛博物馆展出, 常被认为是世界上最好的博物馆. The Louvre, 另一个世界著名的艺术博物馆, 这里收藏着达芬奇的《宝博体育》等名作, the Venus de Milo statue, 萨莫色雷斯的胜利之翼, and other historically significant paintings and sculptures from throughout continental Europe. 当你逛完巴黎的艺术博物馆, 一定要去看看罗丹最著名的雕塑, “The Thinker,在瓦勒纳地铁站外. 去吉维尼参观克劳德·莫奈可爱的家和花园, 这位定义流派的画家曾经在哪里生活和工作. The Water Garden, 有日本桥和睡莲池, 本人和他的画作一样迷人. Stop in Aix-en-Provence to see Cezanne’s old studio and his beloved subject, Mount Saint Victoire. Outdoor enthusiasts have an endless number of idyllic landscapes to explore in 法国. 去格勒诺布尔附近雄伟的法国阿尔卑斯山滑雪或单板滑雪, where the miles of soaring, 雪峰为冬季运动提供了一些最好的地形. Sunbathe on the luxurious beaches of the French Riviera and swim in the sparkling blue, Mediterranean waters. 在普罗旺斯的薰衣草地里呼吸舒缓的香味, 当你漫步在一排排耀眼的紫色花朵中. 在巴黎,没有比卢森堡花园更能领略大自然的了. These gardens surrounding the Palace of Luxembourg make for an enchanting oasis in the midst of the city, 你在哪里可以找到苹果园和梨园, an orangery, a vintage carousel, fountains, statues, 还有一个池塘,孩子们在那里玩玩具船. Take a walk along the charming canals in Annecy and rent a paddleboat to spend the day on the town’s resplendent lake. Kayak through the unbelievably teal waters of the Verdon Gorges, a stunning river canyon. 探索布列塔尼神奇的Côte de Granit Rose, 这里是世界上仅有的三个天然粉色花岗岩产地之一. Visit the Camargue Salt Flats to step into a mystical environment of red and pink lagoons where flamingoes, wild white horses, black bulls, 和法国牛仔和睦相处. 

Popular Programs

Popular Programs



CEA CAPA 巴黎 Center

在国外学习工程课程,让自己在竞争中脱颖而出. 巴黎是工程专业学生的理想目的地, a city where many scientists and mathematicians have made significant contributions to the field. You’ll experience 巴黎 as a learning lab through site visits and lectures which complement your classroom curriculum. Additional elective courses focus on aspects of French culture and may fulfill a humanities or social science requirement. 然而,该课程不需要法语技能, 你可能会掌握基本的法语,并用它来导航这座历史名城.

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  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • Starting at $7,195
Business, Communications & Liberal 艺术

选择范围广泛的业务, communications, and liberal arts electives — all taught in English — that offer an international perspective. Take advantage of SKEMA’s setting in a research and technology park to develop the skills you need to thrive in today’s global economy.

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  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • Starting at $18,795
French Language & Culture

French Language & Culture

Aix Marseille University

Immerse into French language and culture as you attend class alongside other international students. Choose from a range of electives that deepen your understanding of French culture and complement your language learning.

See Details

  • ST
  • SU
  • SE
  • YR
  • Starting at $15,995

享受世界上最美味的食物, from freshly baked baguettes and croissants to creamy soft cheeses and hand-crafted chocolates. 午餐可以试试美味的crêpes或洛林乳蛋饼. Try not to feel overwhelmed by all of the tantalizing possibilities you have for dinner: mouth-watering duck confit or coq au vin, a dish of chicken braised in wine sauce; the classic boeuf bourguignon, 美味的法式炖牛肉, or bouillabaisse, a Provencal fish soup. 你会发现在法国选甜点和选果酱一样难, with colorful macarons, delectable eclairs, 而丝滑的亚麻纤维则只是可供选择的几种. 别忘了搭配法国食物和合适的法国饮料. Take a tour of a Bordeaux vineyard and taste some of the region’s internationally famous wine, or drink champagne in its birthplace to celebrate your time in this unforgettable country. 在一个越来越远离印刷的世界里, 法国 is still a nation where you can browse the shelves in hundreds of independent and secondhand book shops or at the street stalls along the Seine River in 巴黎. 也有同样多的好阅读点, from park benches to old cafes to gorgeous libraries such as the Bibliothèque Mazarine. 当你在法国留学的时候, 你将有机会练习你的法语技能, 在一些最负盛名的欧洲机构上课, 同时沉浸在一种快乐和美丽的文化中. Discover a new interest or dedicate time to your creative passion in this country of artists and intellectuals. 法国邀请您体验丰富的生活、教育和自我.

法国 Points of Interest

法国 Points of Interest

  • Museum Free Entrance Day On the first Sunday of every month, 巴黎 opens its museums to the public for free. 抓住这个机会,去看看那些大的,或者从数百个其他的中选择!
  • Bastille 走出CEA格勒诺布尔办公室的门, turn left, 然后开始爬山去巴士底狱. This old fortress overlooking the city of Grenoble is a portal to many hiking trails. 到中国航空公司办公室要一本旅游指南就行了!
  • Hiking Ste. Victoire Mountain Aix-en-Provence students love the fact that they can hike to the top of Ste Victoire mountain on Aix’s doorstep in an afternoon (don’t worry, it’s a mere climb of 670 to 3,336 feet!),还能欣赏到壮丽的景色. You may recognize Ste. 来自艺术家保罗·塞尚的绘画和素描的维多利亚. Jump on a local bus in town center and 30 minutes later you’re at the foot of the mountain... and back in Aix for tea time!
  • Great Outdoors 当你在法国里维埃拉学习时,享受伟大的户外活动, because swimming, kayaking, 远足和滑雪都近在咫尺! For hiking, hop on a train to Le Trayas, where you’ll find direct access to the Esterel Mountains and hundreds of miles of hiking trails. For winter sports, catch an inexpensive bus to the skiing slopes in Auron or Isola 2000.